

  Planning In   2024, the Grand Tour had a start date of 01 January, so it was during December last year that I waited with increasing anticipation for the announcement and details of the 2025 GT.  But alas, December came and went with no information other than a Kevin Costner type comment that " it will happen ".   I had growing hope in early January for a 01 February start date, but as we rolled into mid-January, it became obvious this date was not going to happen either. My hope then was for a 01 March date as my riding season was slipping away, however I was prepared for a 01 April date, which had been the preferred start date for many previous GTs.  Then on 26 January, the GT announcement was made, and the details were published. Coincidentally, 26 January is Australia Day when we celebrate the first British settlement in Terra Australis ( Great Southern Land ) in 1778.  It should be noted that this remote British settlement was only established b...